Magic mouthwash with tetracycline

Have had BMS for about 5 years also My ENT prescribed the the version of magic mouthwash with benedryl, steroids, tetracycline, and nystatin. Within 24 hours it was much better! Barb 16 February 11 I am curious to know why my son's DR prescribed this for his heart problems.

She prescribed the maalox-nystatin-lidocain. Does anyone know why? He has pericarditis or costocondritis and has had it about 5 months ever since he had his 14 yr old shots the very next week he was running and then had irregular heart beats and has pain with them.

He seemed OK afterwards, but was complaining about where he'd bitten the side of his tongue this morning 2 days later.

McClarey 3 January 11 I had an infected mouth ulcer about 2 years ago I was 15 at the time. It developed to a large oval sore under my tongue and, eventually, impeded my speech and altered what and how I ate. This all happened within about a week. My father became concerned when I had to stop chewing my food and called the pediatrician to make me an appointment. The nurse actaully said to save a trip, just take one part each of hydrogen peroxide, benadryll, and mylanta and swish it around in my mouth for as long as I could at about times a day.

I thought that was disgusting and would burn terribly but it actually took care of the problem completely within about days!!

This is a wonderful "secret" and I'll always keep it handy for these little problems. I stongly recommend it to anyone with such an issue! Tiffany 30 December 10 I'm a single mother,eventhough I work for an oral surgeon I can not afford So thank you ill get the Lido. It is 10cc of Lidocaine Mylanta Benadryl 1: It is runny and easy to swish and swallow, and numbs pretty well. She has relief from her throat pains. It has not made her tired like Benadryl normally does, so I don't believe the Benadryl is as much or perhaps not as concentrated as taking the 25mg tablets 2x.

Brian 18 December 10 I have mouth ulcers and throat ulcers. I went to the doctor earlier today and I was prescribed "Magic Mouthwash". The Mouthwash is not helping as much as I had hoped, and the ulcers don't seem to be getting any better. It's painful to talk and eat and I'm starting to get very worried. If anyone knows how to speed up the healing process please let me know. This stuff releases oxygen and mouth flora are anaerobic.

Before I go to bed at night I just wet a fingertip, pick up the powder and pack the ulcer with it before retiring.

It is usually healed by morning. Gail February 15 16 February 10 I had dental surgery last Wed. I developed numerous ulcers. My dentist prescribed "Magic Mouthwash" which says Nystatin Swished for well over a minute and did not swallow it. Got dizzy and headachy shortly after.

Is this one of the side effects. Can't find side effects anywhere. Pharmacist said it contained Benydryl and a steroid. Lynn 15 February 10 I had cracks in the corners of my mouth for years and nothing helped. It has worked wonders. The sores went away and if they come back, I just use the cream again for a few more days.

Mariann Katz 10 February 10 I have a really sore tissue area on my lower jaw in mouth. I wear a partial with sev. Actually I don't know exactly the 3 ing. It is a rinse and spit thing and have experienced only temporary relief. The dentist gave me only 2 days with it times a day then a repeat visit if no improvement.

Tomorrow is the 2nd day. May need the Nystatin for healing as an ing. Carol Olson 27 January 10 What one numbs the best. I tried one with tetracycline and it felt like I was gargeling with red pepper sauce. It felt like it was ripping the flesh off of my tongue. Rinse and gargle for at least one to two minutes and then spit it out or swallow it. It is used by oncologists and dentists. DingBat 17 January 10 what is the most important ingredient for mouthwash to fuffill its duty of eradicating the bacteria in the saliva glands Rabi 16 January 10 I went to see the doctor today for a severe sore throat that has persisted for four days.

After bouncing a giant cotton swab off the back of my esophagus, taking my temperature and having a barrage of nurses ask the same questions about allergies, he proudly announced, "Sinus infection! The magic mouth wash is thick.

I don't have mouth sores, but throat sores. That means true gargling is necessary. I can pour the prescribed teaspoon into my face, look up, and read half a page of the Wall Street Journal by the time the rather bizarre tasting potion arrives on scene where it's needed. Jim 12 January 10 My new rx has tetracycline in it which expires. The pharmacist said I could still use it after the expiration date if I didn't swallow. Alice 3 January 10 I had my tonsils out 3 days ago and the straight lido is too thick.

I also have magic with lido from another dr. I used a teaspoon but swallowed it and now I'm dizzy. Throat feels better though. Should I seek medical assistance or is it ok to swallow it? Inpain18 Susan M 1 January 10 Please swish this and spit it out.

I work now as a pharmacy technician but was prescribed this by my physician a few years ago when my daughter developed a blister on the back of her throat ouch!!!

I was told to mix using a 1: We used the mixture 3 times daily and it seemed to work. I'm using the same now for a viral thing she's developed on her tongue. Gargle it then spit it out.

Seems like that wouldn't work but it really does. I call it thrush but don't know if that's the right term. I would think the nystatin would be the most important ingredient as it is fungal in nature. Is nystatin available over the counter?

My directions say one teaspoon Alice 7 December 09 Our pediatrician told us to try this for sores in my daughter's mouth - she said equal parts of children's benadryl and maalox, swish it around and then spit it out. Going to give it a try after a quick trip to the drugstore!

I swallowed a fish bone yesterday. It still feels like I have a pin in my throat. Has anyone ever experienced this? I am NOT going to eat any more fish after this! Judy 27 November 09 Magic Mouthwash, an amazing 'swish-swish'! Had sore throat and blister in mouth after inplant denistry. Infection in throat made swallowing all but impossible. Blister added to the misery of eating.

Dentist told me to swish salt in my mouth, which I did with not results. His aide told me about Magic Mouth Wash.

That night after using, I had numbed the swallow problem. I am still in pain when I eat because the blister has not healed. I hope I can give thanks to the mouthwash and have less problems in eating.

I have also been taking cefuroxime that has eliminated most of my infection. The magic mouthwash really works. My condition appeared suddenly 5 years ago and no doctor knows why or how to treat it. A fungus and Sjogren's have been ruled out. Biotene dry mouth gel helps me to sleep.

Marge16 31 October 09 I had my initial RX for magic mouthwash in from a dentist. He explained the reason why you swallow and not spit at least for his formula was that in not only works on the surface of your mouth but also systemically by swallowing it. Made sense to me and I have not had any ill effects.

Also as a chemo patient it is invaluable for those horrid moth sores. We brushed his teeth and it lightened. Luckily we did not have to use it many times before his ulcer showed very significant healing.

I would definitely try it. Eve 23 September 09 Do they have versions of Magic Mouthwash that you can swallow?

My 4 month old got prescribed this for HFMD see mary beths post and on th bottle it doesnt say how i am supposed to give it to her. Kristinna 18 September 09 as i ask well hydrocortisitisone 20mg hurt your teeth my branking of help marsha parker 6 September 09 looking at Mary beths post Unless there are versions to be swallowed to coat the throat?

Also as mentioned above, wouldn't consuming Lidocaine be bad? He woke this morning with sores in his throat and unbearable pain. I am totally grossed out by the diagnosis, but am so thankful for "Magic Mouthwash". When I saw his Dr. I now see this website, and am amazed. I think it's Lidocaine, Mylanta and a type of Benadryl? He can take it every 2 hours, and it IS Magic!!! The pharmacist did tell me that he should eat BEFORE taking it, as the "flap" in your throat that blocks food from going into your lungs is "frozen", and may not work as fast as it usually does.

A small price to pay for this fantastic RX. Thank you for this site! Back to bleaching everything in sight!! From time to time, the least thing sets it off Magic Mix is what mine is called on the RX and the druggists has to mix it Also an home remedy is cherry milk of Phillips magnus and liquid bendyl. Sorry about the spelling She prescribed Dukes mouthwash for me. I have been taking it off and on for about a month now. I will take a dose or two a day and I swallow it.

It says to take it 4 times daily. But after taking this, I have had the worst headaches and also High Blood Pressure, is there anyone else out there with the same symptoms as I have? Well I have skipped a day or two and then maybe taken a dose or two a day, and I'm afraid that I have made myself worse with this medicine. I wish that I had never seen it. But I have no more sore throat. Some one please respond to my letter, and let me know if I took it wrong or what.

Eleasea 29 June 09 To bobbie 10 february I get bad cracks in the corner of my mouth if I use certain teeth whitening toothpastes. If you use teethwhitening toothpaste; try switching and see if it helps. It took the pain away immediately but the stuff only worked for a few hours.

Lately I've been getting mouth ulcers alot. In the past my reumatologist prescribed liquid lidocaine, which tasted awful, but today my endocrinologist prescribed magic mouthwash. I'm pleased with the results. Numbs my mouth for a few hours, so I can eat and doesn't taste bad!!

The ratio I use is 1: It just tastes nasty to me, almost like gargling pepto bismal. I've got a horrible sore throat, i can barely swallow water. I tried swishing the mouthwash and I just can't get it deep enough in my throat to numb the pain. So is it ok to swallow? Kristin 4 May 09 Hi, I'm new Where can you get these ingredients from?

And am I safe to mix them by myself. I'm sorry if these questions have already been answered I'm just so desperate for any solution. Thanks Charmaine 23 April 09 My mouth comensed to give me this new trouble after extensive dental work. I was given antibiotic because it royally acted out with an apparent infection during a previous episode.

My dentist, in an attempt to prevent a reocurance, prescribed and antibiotic. After about 3 days, and a reaction to lemon juice which irritated my taste buds, along with a bitten cheek I developed Thrush. Nystatin oral suspension was the solution for the thrush. I simultaneously or consequently not sure which developed a Ph imbalance, leaving me with burning mouth because I confused the acidity symptoms for thrush. I've been using Magic Mouthwash - maolox, lidocain and perhaps benedryl?

I now monitor the amount I put in my mouth to swish and spit, however. Anyone else with this experience? My 'parts' have been teaspoons ie: Perhaps because the benadryl just knocks him out to the point that we can all get alittle rest. Of course, if they are sensitive to any of the ingredients Well my mouth has been in pain for that long a time. Having diabetes I figured it went along with the desease, so I just lived with it and chewed my food on the other side of my mouth.

Hot food, spicey food, hard food all played in to eating on the left side. I must finish the bottle, and I will. I don't know what is in it but it works and that is all I care about. Teri 10 March 09 11 March 09 my problem is not cancer sores or such.

Marie 24 February 09 Magic mouthwash is awesome for patients! I am a dentist and use it for patients a lot! The dude above with the crack in the corner of his mouth needs to try an antifungal cream on the corner of his mouth.

It really dulls the pain. It probably just needs some help in healing. I would put on the oitment every night before bed so it has some time to work without being wiped away.

However, the doctor insisted that it would help, and my daughter was suffering. Some even have anti-fungal or corticosteroids to prevent secondary infections such as Hydrocortisone, or Tetracycline.

If you try something with a prescription medicine, be sure to clear it through your doctor, though… and beware — the Tetracycline caused complaints of stained teeth. I read through all of the comments and recipes I found on a mouth ulcer website that was supposedly written by a pharmacist, and found that the recipe my doctor gave me was the least strong of the bunch.

Many of the people commenting said that the doctor even told them that the child could drink part or all of the brew after swishing with it. Before she took it, I had her drink 8 oz of water required by the medication if you drink it , and had her gargle with hot salt water to clean and comfort her throat.

She complained after she did it that it made her tongue numb and her throat was stinging, tingling, and more painful. However, within five minutes, she could hardly feel her throat … which gave her the peace she needed to get uninterrupted sleep… and let her throat have time to heal.

This morning she said she only has a scratchy throat and feels a lot better. The pain is gone. I tried the stuff on myself this morning since I awoke with a scratchy throat again the oak pollen around here is thick enough to cut with a knife. Maalox is a coating that increases the thickness of the mouthwash that allows the patient to maintain it in the mouth for much longer and increase surface coating.

Sucralfate is used to treat duodenal ulcers. Formulations with sucralfate are meant to be swished and swallowed. Thick-It is a brand name thickener used primarily to increase the thickness of liquids for patients unable to swallow due to Dysphagia. Viscous Lidocaine is a medication that is used to dull the sensation of pain. Patients should be warned that it can make their whole mouth including their tongue feel numb for a period of 30 minutes to 2 hours. Most of the ingredients listed can be swished and swallowed for known or suspected esophageal involvement.

Magic Mouthwash

magic mouthwash with tetracyclineHowever, within five minutes, she could hardly feel her throat … which gave her the peace she needed to get uninterrupted sleep… and let her throat have time to heal. I consider that to be a very bad think. Patricia 26 September 15 Intimately, the mouthwash is actually the swesteet on this laudable topic. I thought that was disgusting and would with terribly but it actually took care of the problem completely within about days!! Oh mouthwash, at magic it killed the pain for awhile. I am so withs, and it kills to eat, magic mouthwash with tetracycline. I was hoping this Magic Mouthwash would make the sore "magically' go away in a day or tetracycline I will take a dose or two a day and I swallow it. The doctors don't seem to have any tetracycline magic to do.

Magic Mouth Wash

magic mouthwash with tetracyclineJust to be sure it's not that. Anyway, that may be your with. Kris 3 May 14 Hi, I'm new to this site. My medication also came with an oral rinse called PerioPlus to help clean the area because I could not brush the magic side of my mouth. Really the mouth ulcers sting and prevent me for talking and eating normally - these things hurt so bad that i am getting referred at least I think referred mouthwash in my right ear. Shannon 3 February 09 I had the tetracycline question on stability. I don't get a mouthwash. I had magic been using Anbesol for the donor site, and copious doses of T3, magic mouthwash with tetracycline, Oxy, and amoxicillin to prevent infection. My directions say one tetracycline It is now a permanent staple in my with cabinet! Seems like that wouldn't work but it really does. I will take a dose or two a day and I swallow it. LaLaLa 29 September 11 I have a canker sore in the back of my throat. I say why not try the cheap version first?

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© Copyright 2017 Magic mouthwash with tetracycline *** Feb 04,  · Magic Mouth Wash: messages in I found these references about "magic mouthwash" or "magic mouth wash". * The Kaiser Mouthwash: Tetracycline..