Nolvadex contains Tamoxifen Citrate which is used by Estrogens & PCT» Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate the prescription drug market in the United States.

The scientific literature is complex with respect to the activity of tamoxifen, and care should be taken to establish whether tamoxifen, or the 4-hydroxy metabolite was used, especially in in vitro assays. A link between estrogen and breast cancer had been known for many years, but cancer treatments were not a corporate priority at the time, and Walpole's personal interests were important in keeping support for the compound alive in the face of this and the lack of patent protection.

Without Walpole's effort towards defending the work that his team had done in discovering a possibly revolutionary source for breast cancer treatment, Tamoxifen could have become a discarded or under-researched idea.

Walpole's team consisted of Dora Richardson and G. Snow, who worked on the chemistry portion of the project, along with G. Walley, who focused primarily on the biological side. Folkman discovered in the s that angiogenesis — the growth of new blood vessels — plays a significant role in the development of cancer.

Since his discovery, an entirely new field of cancer research has developed. Clinical trials on angiogenesis inhibitors have been underway since using myriad different drugs.

The Harvard researchers developed a specific protocol for a golden retriever named Navy who was cancer-free after receiving the prescribed cocktail of celecoxib , doxycycline , and tamoxifen — the treatment subsequently became known as the Navy Protocol. Unfortunately, this work was not well received by everyone, as the team was supposed to be looking for a contraceptive pill.

Ward [70] at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Ward's study showed a more definitive response to the drug at a higher dosage. Walpole also may have helped to convince the company to market tamoxifen for late stage breast cancer in Craig Jordan to work on tamoxifen.

The drug was subsequently reinvented from a failed contraceptive, to become tamoxifen, the gold standard for the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer and the pioneering medicine for chemprevention for high risk women. The pharmacology of SERMs was discovered, defined, and deciphered during the s [75] A clinical strategy was described [76] that led to the creation of SERMs as a group of multifunctional medicines aimed at the treatment or prevention of many conditions in postmenopausal women, e.

This story is told in: The commencing sales of tamoxifen in both the UK and in the U. Shortly after, Dora Richardson published a history of Tamoxifen that, unusually for that type of paper, included personal accounts and letters from patients who attributed their healing to the drug. Nolvadex Side Effects Nolvadex is a compound that is tolerated quite well by the overwhelming majority of users, though there are some potential side effects to be aware of. Because of the difference in androgen and Estrogen receptor proliferation among cells in the male and female bodies, Nolvadex tends to generate quite different effects and experiences in men versus women.

This is why there are greater amounts of negative experiences where Nolvadex side effects are concerned among women than men, but this is a different story in comparison to its use among bodybuilders and athletes using Nolvadex as an ancillary compound surrounding their anabolic steroid use.

The official prescription documentation for Nolvadex side effects in regards to its use as a female breast cancer treatment drug includes: Lesser and infrequent side effects may include: These are Nolvadex side effects associated with use in females, and are officially documented as evidenced in clinical studies and contained on the pamphlet within the prescription product itself.

The Nolvadex side effects listed above are practically a non-concern for male users, as the overwhelming majority of said side effects are reportedly almost never experienced among men.

Advertisement There is, however, a persistent and long standing myth that Nolvadex — if utilized with compounds such as Trenbolone or Nandrolone Deca-Durabolin — will up-regulate Progesterone receptors and increase their sensitivity to these compounds. Thus, what supposedly results is an increase in Progestin-related side effects from the use of Trenbolone, Deca, or any related nor compounds due to the fact that they are Progestins in and of themselves.

This myth is simply not true. The origin of this Nolvadex side effect myth is rooted in various studies in the past that have demonstrated that Nolvadex does up-regulate Progesterone receptors — in females. Another piece of the origin to this myth is the fact that several studies in the past have also demonstrated that Nolvadex acts as an Estrogen antagonist in breast tissue, and in doing so, down-regulates the Progesterone receptors as well this is because Progesterone receptor activity is closely linked with Estrogen receptor activity.

These studies demonstrated that this of course occurs in normal healthy humans, but in breast cancer patients it results in an up-regulation of the Progesterone receptor. Unfortunately, many in the bodybuilding community read into these particular studies out of context and made the assumption that all normal healthy humans react the same way. It is not true. Dosing and Administration of Nolvadex Medically, Nolvadex Tamoxifen is utilized as a medication in the treatment of 6 different types of female breast cancer.

The prescription dosing and administration of Nolvadex in these cases call for 10 — 20mg taken twice per day, in the morning and evening respectively. This is normally especially the case when a particularly moderate or aromatizable anabolic steroid is utilized in a cycle. Dosing of Nolvadex in this case is approximately 10 — 30mg per day. The common dosing tends to be 20mg per day of Nolvadex. It is very important to understand that higher and higher dosages of Nolvadex, greater than 20 — 40mg per day, does not produce any greater or faster effect on reducing or preventing gynecomastia, despite common misconceptions.

Nolvadex For Post Cycle Therapy PCT The other primarily utilized purpose for Nolvadex among bodybuilders and athletes is its ability to stimulate and increase the male production of endogenous Testosterone, as evidenced by many studies.

It does so by acting on the pituitary and hypothalamus gland in the brain, and signaling an increase in production of FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone and LH Luteinizing Hormone , which then signal the testes to produce Testosterone.

In this application of administration, 20 — 40mg per day of Nolvadex per day for approximately 4 — 6 weeks. Studies have demonstrated that venturing higher than 20 — 40mg per day does not generate any significantly greater amount of Testosterone production.

The use of Nolvadex during a cycle will not counter-act the Testosterone suppression of anabolic steroid use and will not keep endogenous Testosterone production going amidst the use of suppressive compounds. It is therefore not recommended to do so, as it would be a waste of product and money.

Nolvadex possesses an extremely long half-life for an oral compound, approximately 5 — 7 days, and some studies demonstrating as long as 14 days. There should therefore be no requirement to split dosages up throughout the day, and it is safe to consume with food or on an empty stomach. Nolvadex Legality Nolvadex is largely an uncontrolled substance in the vast majority of the world.

In Canada and the United States in particular, it is a prescription-only product, but it is not a controlled substance and therefore legal or own, purchase, and possess — though it is not available over the counter here. In the UK, Nolvadex legality is the same. How to Buy Nolvadex Nolvadex is a very easy product to buy and exists in many different forms.

Because it is a must-have ancillary item when it comes to anabolic steroid use, any sources should have this product in both pharmaceutical grade format as well as underground lab UGL format. Pharmaceutical grade Nolvadex is a little more expensive than the underground manufactured product, but it is generally a very cheap and affordable item to begin with.

It is through its medical application that one can easily see how such a compound would easily attract the anabolic steroid using bodybuilding and athletic community, as one of the more prominent concerns among anabolic steroid users is that of the Estrogenic effects caused by the use of aromatizable androgens such as TestosteroneDianabol, Boldenone, etc. Published Mar 8, by: It is therefore not recommended to do so, as it would be a waste of product and money. Lesser and infrequent side effects may include: This is normally especially the case when a particularly moderate or aromatizable anabolic steroid is utilized in a cycle. The commencing sales of tamoxifen in both the UK and in the U. The prescription dosing and administration of Nolvadex in these cases call for 10 — 20mg taken twice per day, in the morning and evening respectively. This myth is simply not true. The area of concern with Nolvadex is particularly in breast tissue, where it serves to act as an anti-Estrogen in this area and a very strong one at that. Nolvadex Legality Nolvadex is largely an uncontrolled substance in the vast majority of the world. It is not true. SERMs do not lower circulating levels of Estrogen in blood plasma. However, united data from clinical trials have failed to demonstrate a cardioprotective effect. Advertisement There is, however, nolvadex made in united states, a persistent and long standing myth that Nolvadex — if utilized with compounds such as Trenbolone or Nandrolone Deca-Durabolin — will up-regulate Progesterone receptors and increase their sensitivity to these compounds. The origin of this Nolvadex made state myth is rooted nolvadex various studies in the past that have demonstrated that Nolvadex does up-regulate Progesterone receptors — in females.

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