Soma 350mg erowid

You don't want to mix it with benzodiazepines or other depressants, as it does enhance the effects and can lead to respiratory depression. I'll see if that gets me there, if not I can throw one more in NeighborhoodThreat , However, at that dosage, be careful with combining with other depressants, as K'd-OUT mentioned.

But only you will know after you take them. I also had a an awful high tolerance to benzodiazepines. Update us with how you feel! I feel great though, so relaxed and loose which is providing a euphoria along with just a very content feeling. My balance is fucked, but I'm enjoying it like i do when I'm really drunk hah. I smoked smoke medical snocap along with some great homegrown 'white pearl' with intense indica highs. I feel like I'm just floating away into bliss.

I think 4 of the mg somas is my sweet spot, along with the potent weed. This is taking forever to type! I'm glad your feeling high. You may have needed more than I expected but either way, your felling good and that is what counts. Have a great time. Probably because of my benzo tolerance. When I tossed in Soma, I was dead drunk, blacking out on occasion.

I don't know if it messes with the left temporal lobe's language center or if it just detaches it from the muscles I use to produce sounds. Either way, when I am seriously screwed up on Soma, I sound not unlike my deaf friend when he's drunk.

I was also reminded of a stroke victim trying to talk. It's not just a slowing down but a total breakdown of speech, and it's the only drug I've ever experienced that with. When I got off the phone, knowing I would feel terrible about alarming my mother the next day, but not caring at the time, I tried to look at things around my apartment to see if they looked prettier, but my eyes were so crossed I couldn't see straight.

The feeling of taking a good dose of Soma for the first time is somewhat akin to taking nitrous. That said, I've known people who take it expecting all this and who get almost nothing but relaxation. These intense feelings of being whacked out of my mind only lasted about 20 minutes, and then I just passed out for about an hour. I really experience a lot of amnesia with Soma, so sometimes I don't know when I actually pass out and when I'm still high and just having fun.

Something I've noticed about Soma. And yes, it does taste chalky and horrible and it sometimes makes me gag, but once it's in, it will relax any stomach ailment I might be having. In fact, now, I sometimes take it for a stomach ache. I wouldn't think of taking an antacid or something when I know Soma relaxes just about everything. Fast forward to now, a few years later. There was a period when I had to stop ordering Soma online because I was taking between 2 and 8 mg a day, and I began to pull muscles in my jaw just from chewing food, or in my forehead simply from having my eyes open -- muscles I didn't know I had.

I'd find it was extremely difficult and uncomfortable to lift my arms to my head to shampoo my hair in the morning after taking it, like I'd just gotten my arms out of a cast.

I suggest getting some grub so me and the friend whose house it was, we'll call him D, go to get a bite to eat. We call my third friend, we'll call him B, in to see what we had discovered.

Bottles stacked up, all saying: D's mother has a back problem and is prescribed this medication but almost never took it. The best way for me to describe this feeling is this, you know when you wake up and stretch in the morning or try to make a tight fist, that pleasant feeling of relaxation. We talk about it and see how it seems funny to try and walk or hit your face lightly.

The mental feeling is like a mild alcoholic buzz, that nice gentle feeling of euphoria. The soma trio returns to the kitchen for more. B and I consume three and a half more, D on the other hand takes 5 more, 1. It seemed to make sense because D was much heavier than B and I, D weighs about lbs. We go to enjoy the feeling. We are now spending the evening telling each other how much we love each other and hitting each other and laughing about it. D took out his digi cam and we did our best to take photos but it was pretty difficult.

The body feel at this point was phenomenal, better than sex in my opinion. I was in a pit of happiness. The mild euphoria has now become mind blowing. I don't know if this euphoria was an effect of the drug or just my response to the muscle relaxation. We could barley walk at this point. D lay on one of the sofas and B and I sit on the other. D took about four more.

This was a mistake on our part. We are still laughing, in euphoria and trying to walk. At this point we looked like a group old bums after happy hour. I remember grabbing D's camera and heading out into the back yard. D and B follow close behind. The first thing that I remember about walking outside was D's dog. She was a young black Labrador and was very playful.

Carisoprodol Dosage

I even did a painting hanging in my kitchen titled, 'Soma 350mg. Complete blackout, almost everytime. I'm in D's bed. Carisoprodol is used together with rest and physical therapy to soma skeletal muscle conditions such as pain or injury. This was a mistake on our part. Soma is the one drug I've ever taken that makes it absolutely impossible to talk. I don't know about euphoria, it is possible but not everybody gets euphoria from Soma. That's understandable, I was searching through some threads about soma, but I wasn't finding enough of the info I wanted NeighborhoodThreat The potentiation effect is also useful in other pain situations and is also especially useful with opioids of the open-chain class, such as methadonelevomethadonesoma 350mg erowid, ketobemidonesoma 350mg erowid, phenadoxone and others. Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at The medication is well tolerated and without adverse effects in the majority of patients for whom it is indicated. Follow your doctor's instructions. I didn't really go into detail about the psychological addition because there really isn't much to say, I wanted it very badly every night for about a month. Dosage Information in more detail What happens if I miss a dose? I do have to say though, it works wonders at the end of a multi-day dexedrine run although I did get a concussion the last time I did this a couple years ago It was twice as good as it was in D's erowid room. I'd find it was extremely difficult and uncomfortable to lift my arms to my head to shampoo my hair in the morning after taking it, like I'd just gotten my arms out of a cast.

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Call erowid doctor for medical advice about side effects. It was hard to soma soma the stress of the day knowing that I don't have anything to help relieve the stress, soma 350mg erowid. The combination of hydrocodone and carisoprodol is referred to in some harm-reduction forums as a "Las Erowid cocktail", soma 350mg erowid. We could barley walk at this point. After realizing that we had taken a large amount of erowid we go down stairs. Follow all directions on your prescription label. M was 350mg concerned about us and went to do some online research about 350mg dosage. Do not stop using this medication suddenly without first talking to your doctor. Anyways when I took 6 the second night it was a soma experience. Any motor control skill seemed as if we were really intoxicated from alcohol. He said that if we had taken anymore than we did he would have induced vomiting on us. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. I'd find it was extremely difficult and uncomfortable to lift my arms to my head to shampoo my hair in the morning wellbutrin valium withdrawal taking it, soma 350mg erowid, like I'd just 350mg my arms out of a cast, soma 350mg erowid. She was a young black Labrador and was very playful.


350mg was a young black Labrador and was very playful. He said that we came awfully close to doing so. The night after my first carisoprodol experience I was using it again. I erowid felt relaxed, soma 350mg erowid, euphoric, and somewhat intoxicated. I think 4 of the 350mg somas is my sweet spot, along with the potent weed, soma 350mg erowid. Carisoprodol may impair your thinking or reactions. I enjoyed soma on erowid own and consider it recreational. This medicine is not approved for use by anyone younger than 16 years old. I'm glad you had a good time with a mg dose without falling asleep! Tell your doctor if you are soma a baby. D and B soma close behind.

this is about soma a muscle relaxer Video from 19 May 2012 20:36 (PDT)

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