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Currency Initialization (CRI)

发表于 2010-12-15 07:51:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This document describes the implementation of Currency Initialization (CRI)
in Infor ERP LN. Currency initialization is a generic conversion-environment
framework. You can use CRI to:
􀀟 Change your currency system
􀀟 Switch to the recommended standard for multicurrency implementations:
the standard currency system (as of ERP LN FP5)
􀀟 Change and/or extend the used home currencies
􀀟 Change transaction currencies to euros
􀀟 Make your system euro compliant
This document is intended for persons in charge of setting up and carrying
out the currency initialization.
The reader is assumed to be familiar with the Infor ERP LN software and the
overall structure of packages, modules, and sessions in the Infor ERP LN
software. A general knowledge of Financials is recommended.
Overview of this manual
This manual contains the following chapters:
􀀟 Chapter 1, “Currency Initialization,” briefly explains what currency
initialization is, and how you can use currency initialization to make your
system euro compliant.
􀀟 Chapter 2, “To Set Up the Currency-Initialization Environment,” describes
how you share CRI tables between the companies of a conversion cluster,
and how you initialize CRI tables with the correct information.
􀀟 Chapter 3, “Currency Systems and Company Structures,” describes the
currency types and currency systems that you can use in ERP LN, and
the currency system requirements for companies that are linked to each
􀀟 Chapter 4, “Currency-Initialization Scenarios,” describes the possible
currency system changes that you can perform by using CRI.
􀀟 Chapter 5, “The Currency-Initialization Process,” describes how you can
use CRI sessions to perform the different types of currency initialization.
􀀟 Chapter 6, “Currency Differences,” describes how you can post currency
differences that result from the different currency exchange rates before
and after the internal currency initialization.
􀀟 Chapter 7, “Euro Initialization,” describes how you can use CRI sessions
to change one of your home currencies and (EMU) transaction currencies
to euros.
􀀟 Chapter 8, “Conversion Rules,” describes the standard conversion rules
that are used to convert and recalculate the amounts and currency rates
during the currency initialization processes.
􀀟 Appendix A, “To Check the Financials Fields,” lists the fields that you can
check and correct after internal currency initialization.
􀀟 The Glossary lists the definitions of the terms used in this document.
Abbreviations and acronyms
The following table lists the abbreviations and acronyms used in this
A/P Accounts payable
A/R Accounts receivable
BP Business partner
CI Currency initialization
COP Colombia pesos
CRI Currency initialization
DKK Denmark kroner
DLL Dynamic-link library
EMU The former Economic and Monetary Union
EUR Euro
FST Financial statements
GBP United Kingdom pounds
G/L General ledger
INR India rupees
NZD New Zealand dollars
USD United States dollars
Currency Initialization (CRI).pdf (289.36 KB, 下载次数: 261)
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