The objectives of this book are to describe the purpose of handling units, what
you can accomplish using them, and how to set up and use them.
Intended Audience
This book is intended for those who want to learn how to use handling units and
to set up the handling unit functionality in the way that best serves their purposes.
Both end users and users on administrator level will find the information they
require. The latter will find setup information in the closing chapter of this book
that deal with master data and parameter settings.
Assumed Knowledge
Familiarity with the business processes involved in handling inbound and
outbound goods in the warehouse, and general knowledge of the ERP
LN functionality will help you understand this book. In addition, Warehouse
Management training courses are available to give you a headstart.
Document summary
The first chapter, Introduction, describes the purpose and the general
characteristics of handling units.
The following chapaters describe handling unit structures, handling unit
maintenance, warehousing procedures, and performing inbound and outbound
movements for handling units.
The closing chapter deals with set up and parameters. This user guide is provided
with a glossary list and an index, which you can find at the end of this book.
This book describes procedures that users carry out using handling units and
provides some information on the underlying processes that ERP LN carries out.
The most important session windows and fields involved are discussed, but a
full description of all software components is outside the scope of this book. For
details, refer to the online Help.
Handling Units User Guide.pdf
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