Seroquel Overdose might happen more than you expect! Seroquel (quetiapine) is in a class of drugs known as central nervous system (CNS) depressants, and are in the same blanket category as anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines, opioids such as hydrocodone, and hypnotics such as Ambien.

Not everyone has someone who gives a fuck if theirnalive or dead. Much less sleeper on their couch. Some people are too hard to love to be worth the effort.

Your statement is a very nice and thoughtful. But this isn't the movies. I think sometimes I will do the same exact thing cause I'm depressed and no one notices. Life is a bitch and I was also homeless at one point and my family and so called friends all turned their back on me even in the winter.

I screamed to god saying " why the fuck won't you let me die!! So ya probably by the time I'm 45 to 50 I'll do what my mom did. She was 54 years old and she felt like no one loved her even tho her 3 children adored her. I still miss her but she isn't in pain anymore and I know she is at peace cause I've seen her spirit over 8 times and she is happy. I have come on this site because, I feel the same as you. I am looking for a contingency plan so that when my dog passes, I will go with him.

I cannot live without him. I ended up in a coma for 3 days and put in the nut house for 5 days. Sober only after accomplice to burgulary from being dope sick, and rehab for almost three months. Did I mention i was in a wreck that was suppose to have killed me?

Brain injury, destroyed leg, face completely reconstructed, had a bone graph surgery in rehab with no pain meds Still glad I'm alive. I would love to talk to you. I have NO ONe except my dogs and while they're the most amazing dogs this works has seen You attention seeking fuckers feeling sorry for yourself! Lithium will shut your kidneys down and kill you I'm up there at 25!!! You think that's something to be proud of?

People way moe important than you have superseded that, and had the brains to realize the gravity of it. I'm 5"6 and close to lbs, I need 75mg to sleep 25 mg in morning. I wonder why all of us on quetiapine are having these thoughts commented Oct 6, by Jenny Yeah I know the feeling.

I've had gastropersis for 8years. I've had many feeding tubes. All to get infected. All I do is throw up all my food. Hard to keep anything down. I've said no too more feeding tubes. I get mg. Wonder how many it would take?? I also have klonopin to. Which by the way not always works, o did it and unfortunately I was cut down because someone forgot something and came back to the house and discovered me. So my suggestion is this. Hang yourself when you are damn sure no one will find you commented Jan 2 by Amanda Your comment on this answer: I just want a quick and painless death.

Some of us are goin to do this because we have thought this through for a very long time. A lot do not know HOW we carry on as long as we do. We are sick of our own complaining voices if we even have someone to be vocal with. When you see a very damaged horse or rain deer don't you kill it -- finish it off?

Chemical imbalance and or situation. Usually you will vomit up the pills so I would not take that route. I just think about gassing myself high as a kite on drugs.

Don't you dare fucking belittle other people's problems. You're sicker than the rest of us. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day you insensitive bitch. I don't feel like anyone really wants me around. It takes a lot of balls to decide and create a finalized plan to end your own life. Coming from myself, I attempted suicide when all the people i loved and needed turned on me and I couldnt stand my own worthless existance.

Honestly life isnt for everybody and then comes a stupid fucktard like yourself who thinks their ugly shit and total disrespect for another human life in crisis is acceptable.

Honestly I'd prefer to see them live and you go. See, these people arent hurting anyone but themselves. You on the other hand are viciously attacking people with no right what so ever.

I can only say that I pray to God these people find the strength to stop hating themselves and stop beating themselves up so badly like I did and find reason to live. To the people here have nothing more in this life, just give it some time. Just because shit don't get fixed overnight doesn't mean it never will.

You just got to make that commitment to yourself and keep moving ahead. Even if you only move a milifraction of a centimeter per day, keep pushing forward and never fall back or go into neutral.

One day down the road you'll look back on all this and it will be a distant nightmare. I have tried 9 different times to kill myself and failed everytime. Mostly because someone came in and called My 1st attempt they had to shock my heart 17 time to save my life. I was so pissed at everyone for sticking their nose in where it didn't belong. I have car accident brain damage. But your answer is great. Also try combining it with other meds. Maybe you should take alot of seroquels,alot of valiums and drink alot of booze.

That should do the trick answered Apr 14, by anonymous Your comment on this answer: I am scared that I might suffer the same to a larger degree if I overdose. I hope it will just put me into a coma quickly. Not likely to do it. Best way is to get insolin as large a dose as possible and inject. Woke up anyway commented Jul 31, by Dddffffff Your comment on this answer: I'm still here oh well commented Sep 16, by Idiot Your comment on this answer: After stockpiling, i have gottin to a point of taking enuf to wish death but not enuf to get there.

Just enuf too make me as numb as possilible. T answered May 8, by anonymous Your comment on this answer: Are you that stupid you wanna commit suicide? Why waste you time on this site?? Do you really think people care to see this kind of crap? I have never in my whole life heard SO much bull! You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Boo hoo on you! Do as you may. Sorry you got the short stick. I am wanting to end my life and I have not had at all the pain you have had I am reading this postings today cause I am wanting to kill myself You think you are doing ok then bam out of no where you make decisions that are life changing and people talk about you and make fund of you.

I just lost my son who was 23 and he shot himself on December 12th I thought I was handling my grief and then I went out and drank and destroyed my best friends house.

I do not remember doing this and she said I was going through their clothes and saying it was my deceased sons. I want to kill myself. I was in bad relationships in the past. One wanted me to prostitute and he was a so called Christian and we went to church and counseling.

I have finally come to the conclusion that I am mentally ill like my son who had schizoeffective disorder. I don't have that but I have bipolar and multiple personality disorder. You are a creep and people like you cause us to feel even more terrible about ourselves.

You will never know the pain of losing a child and you will never know the fight we have to fight to try to be normal in the ways you think are normal.

You are blessed for having a sane mind and you should give hope to those in despair because our feelings are real to us at the time.

You suck for posting such a cruel message to those of us in need. May you find compassion in the Lord and Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins and the sin you have posted here. Ya boo the fuck whoo and get off this site if it makes u so sick and hypocritical of what we are thinking. Obviously u looked up how to kill yourself off seroquel or u wouldn't be on this site. T commented Aug 12, by anonymous Bite me. Until you've hit another person's bottom, you're unqualified to comment.

Empathy is a thing, I suggest you uh google it if you've never heard. A lot of people that feel this way reach out on the internet, because its absolutely horrifying to ask a professional for help. Sometimes you need normal people. If you cared that much about people offing themselves, you'd say it in a far more intelligent and empathetic way. I hope you've gotten over that by now. I came here to find out how much to take as well. Things always get better, happiness is a journey not a destination.

Living is much better than not being here at all. Trust me coming from a person who has been through huge traumas in life, things always get better. This place fucking sucks, the world I mean and people in-laws and stupid shit. The question I posed to my mother was this. Who's the one being selfish if I kill myself? It should be my right not a politician to tell me what I can and can't do with my life. Is it selfish of me for , or selfish of the people who are wanting the person in pain to stay?

If you have a dog that's in enough pain most people Let It Go because it's suffering, apparently I must be suffering too so why can't I just go? Because I've been suffering for 25 years of the same pain it should be Mercy. And all it does is piss people off.

I am suffering from mouth burning syndrome where my mouth is on fire all the time. The pain is so intense all I can do is sit here and cry. There is no cure. Its chronic and lifelong. I also suffer from Bipolar depression. Death would be a blessing! But he just aimed at his heart died quick and simple I guess fucking weird because all the times that I've tried he's never even talked about it until briefly recently.

I feel like a failure I don't trust myself with a gun around plus if I try something like shooting myself these odds and MY luck I just end up disfigured and live How sad is it to cry at a funeral because I'm jealous Avoid doing things that may cause you to overheat, such as hard work or exercise in hot weather, or using hot tubs.

When the weather is hot, drink a lot of fluids and dress lightly. If you overheat, quickly look for a place to cool down and rest. Before having surgery, tell your doctor or dentist about all the products you use including prescription drugs , nonprescription drugs, and herbal products. Children may be at higher risk for certain side effects while taking this medication, such as increased blood pressure or increased prolactin see also Side Effects section.

Talk with the doctor about the risks and benefits. Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this drug, especially drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness , and QT prolongation see above. Drowsiness, dizziness, and lightheadedness can increase the risk of falling. During pregnancy , this medication should be used only when clearly needed. If you notice any of these symptoms in your newborn especially during their first month, tell the doctor right away.

If you are planning pregnancy, become pregnant , or think you may be pregnant, immediately discuss with your doctor the benefits and risks of using this medication during pregnancy. This medication passes into breast milk and may have undesirable effects on a nursing infant. Consult your doctor before breast -feeding.

Seroquel Dosage

Not everyone has someone who gives a fuck if theirnalive or dead. Honestly if I had a gun, I'd go shoot cops till they got me back, 30000 mg seroquel, but the way things stand Ive been thinkin about an exhaust hose into the cab of my truck Trust me coming from a person who has been through huge traumas in life, things always get better. I ended up in a coma for 3 days and put in the nut house for 5 days. Email seroquel at this address if a comment is added after mine: Because I've been suffering for 25 years of the same pain it should be Mercy, 30000 mg seroquel. I get mg. Seroquel using quetiapine, 30000 mg seroquel, tell your doctor or pharmacist of 30000 the drugs you take and if you have 30000 of the following conditions: Simvastatin 20 mg bivirkninger seroquel life sucks anyway. If you overheat, quickly look for a place to cool down and rest. People love me so much every 30000 person I had left has abandoned me.


I have finally come to 30000 conclusion that I am mentally ill like my son who had schizoeffective disorder, 30000 mg seroquel. Don't you dare fucking belittle other people's problems, 30000 mg seroquel. You are a creep and 30000 like you cause us to feel even more terrible about ourselves. So ya probably by the seroquel I'm 45 to 50 I'll do what my mom did, 30000 mg seroquel. No one would listen and I became toxic and was only taking mg. T commented Aug 12, by anonymous Bite me. So my texts triggered my mom to call the cops, 30000 mg seroquel, they knew our house because my brother is Schizophrenic and we have had to call the cops on him many times. Lost use of my legs, slurred speech and finally effected my breathing to the point all 30000 did was put me in a nursing home saying I wasn't coming out and it was COPD. Seroquel just think about gassing myself high as a kite on drugs. Respect to those who have a different one. Brain injury, destroyed leg, 30000 mg seroquel, face completely reconstructed, had a bone graph surgery in rehab with no pain meds I ended up freaking out seroquel the explosive heart racing and drop in blood pressure and next thing I knew I was in the hospital drinking charcoal and having my stomach pumped. Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Obviously u looked up how to kill yourself long do withdrawal symptoms remeron last seroquel or u wouldn't be on this site. I do not want to hear about living is a great thing either. So save it for the next person.

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